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DropDownTree get checked TreeView nodes recursively


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Spreadsheet for jQuery
Product Version 2021.1.330
Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Preferred Language JavaScript


How can I get all the checked nodes of the TreeView? I need to only get the parent, if all children are checked.


  • Define the getCheckedItems method

    1. Add a new method called getCheckedItems to the TreeView
    2. In its definition get the nodes of the TreeView by utilizing the [view]( method of the dataSource
    3. Return getCheckedNodes(nodes)
  • Define getCheckedNodess

    1. Iterate over the array of nodes passed as a parameter
    2. If the node is checked push it into a new array of checked nodes
    3. Else check if it has children
    4. If yes set the variable childCheckedNodes to be equal to the getCheckedNodes() and use the view of the child node as a parameter
    5. If the recursive call returns any checked nodes concatenate the childCheckedNodes array to the checkedNodes array defined earlier
    6. return the checkedNodes array
  • Show the results

    1. Iterate over the array returned by getCheckedItems
    2. If it has any items append their text to a DOM element
<input id="dropdowntree" style="width: 400px;" />
    <button id="clickme">Click Me</button>
    <div id="results">
      <h4>Checked Items</h4>
        kendo.ui.TreeView.prototype.getCheckedItems = (function(){

        function getCheckedItems(){
          var nodes = this.dataSource.view();
          return getCheckedNodes(nodes);

        function getCheckedNodes(nodes){
          var node, childCheckedNodes;
          var checkedNodes = [];
          for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            node = nodes[i];
            if (node.checked) {
              if (node.hasChildren) {
                childCheckedNodes = getCheckedNodes(node.children.view());
                if (childCheckedNodes.length > 0){
                  checkedNodes = checkedNodes.concat(childCheckedNodes);

          return checkedNodes;

        return getCheckedItems;

        dataSource: [
            text: "Furniture", value: 1, expanded: true, items: [
              { text: "Tables & Chairs", value: 11 },
              { text: "Sofas", value: 12 },
              { text: "Occasional Furniture", value: 13 }
            text: "Decor", value: 2, items: [
              { text: "Bed Linen",  value: 21 },
              { text: "Curtains & Blinds",  value: 22 },
              { text: "Carpets", value: 23 }
        dataTextField: "text",
        dataValueField: "value",
        checkboxes: { checkChildren: true },
        tagMode: "single",
        loadOnDemand: true

      // Get the TreeView inside the DropDownTree
      var dropDownTree = $("#dropdowntree").getKendoDropDownTree();
      var treeview = dropDownTree.treeview;

      // Button handler
      // --------------

        var $res = $("#results ul");

        var items = treeview.getCheckedItems();

        if (items.length === 0){
          $("<li>(nothing checked)</li>").appendTo($res);
        } else {
          for (var i=0; i< items.length; i++){
            $("<li>" + items[i].text + "</li>").appendTo($res);


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