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Identify when the DropDownTree is Fully Loaded


Product Progress® Kendo UI® DropDownTree for jQuery


How can I identify the last DataBound event in the DropDownTree so that I know when the data is fully loaded?


  1. To identify the last DataBound event, implement an event handler for it.
  2. In that handler, use a counter to count the number of items which have children.
  3. On each DataBound event, the counter will be decreased by one. As a result, all events will be executed when the count becomes zero.
<input id="dropdowntree" style="width: 100%;" />

  var serviceRoot = "";
  homogeneous = new{
    transport: {
      read: {
        url: serviceRoot + "/Employees",
        dataType: "jsonp"
    schema: {
      model: {
        id: "EmployeeId",
        hasChildren: "HasEmployees"

  var counter = 0;

    placeholder: "Select ...",
    dataSource: homogeneous,
    height: "auto",
    dataTextField: "FullName",
    dataBound: function(e) {
      var ddt = e.sender;
      var dataSource = ddt.dataSource;
      var node = e.node;

      if (!node) {
        var children =;

        children.forEach(function(item, index) {
          if (item.hasChildren) {
            counter ++;
      } else {
        var children = ddt.treeview.dataItem(node);

        children.forEach(function(item, index) {
          if (item.hasChildren) {
            counter ++;

        counter --;

      if (counter === 0) {
        console.log("Fully bound!");

See Also

In this article