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Cascading DropDownLists by Using Transport Binding with AngularJS and WebAPI


Product Progress® Kendo UI® DropDownList for jQuery
Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Browser Google Chrome
Browser Version Lastest

Starting with R2 2022, the Kendo UI team officially drops the support for AngularJS 1.x through Kendo UI for jQuery. The AngularJS related files and functionality are removed from the bundles and distribution in R3 SP1 2023. The last version that contains the files is R3 2023.


How can I implement cascading DropDownLists which are configured with the transport data binding, together with WebAPI in an AnguarJS application?


Configure the child DropDownList by setting the k-cascade-from and k-cascade-from-field. As a result, it "becomes aware" of its parent DropDownList from whose fields it will cascade.

The example loads Kendo UI 2023.3.1010 version.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="example" ng-app="KendoDemos">
    <div class="demo-section k-content" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
        <input kendo-drop-down-list

        <input kendo-drop-down-list
  angular.module("KendoDemos", [ "kendo.directives" ])
          .controller("MyCtrl", function($scope){
              $scope.dropDownOptions = {
                  optionLabel: "select",
                  dataSource: {
                      type: "webapi",
                      serverFiltering: true,
                      transport: {
                          read: {
                              url: "api/products/get"
                      schema: {
                          data: "Data",
                          total: "Total",
                          errors: "Errors"
              $scope.subDropDownOptions = {
                    dataSource: {
                        type: "webapi",
                        serverFiltering: true,
                        transport: {
                            read: {
                                url: "api/products/getchild"
                        schema: {
                            data: "Data",
                            total: "Total",
                            errors: "Errors"


---------Controller Implementation-------------
 public class ProductsController : ApiController
        public DataSourceResult Get([ModelBinder(typeof(WebApiDataSourceRequestModelBinder))]DataSourceRequest request)
            var products = new List<ProductType>
                    new ProductType { Name = "Product 1", Id = 1 },
                    new ProductType{ Name = "Product 2", Id = 2},
                    new ProductType { Name = "Product 3", Id = 3 }

            return products.ToDataSourceResult(request);

        public DataSourceResult GetChild([ModelBinder(typeof(WebApiDataSourceRequestModelBinder))]DataSourceRequest request)

            var products = new List<Product>
                    new Product { Name = "Sub of Type 1 -1", Id = 1, ProductType= 1},
                    new Product { Name = "Sub of Type 1 -2", Id = 2 , ProductType= 1},
                    new Product { Name = "Sub of Type 1 -3", Id = 3 , ProductType= 1},
                    new Product { Name = "Sub of Type 2 -1", Id = 4, ProductType= 2},
                    new Product { Name = "Sub of Type 2 -2", Id = 5 , ProductType= 2},
                    new Product { Name = "Sub of Type 2 -3", Id = 6 , ProductType= 2},
                    new Product { Name = "Sub of Type 3 -1", Id = 7, ProductType= 3},
                    new Product { Name = "Sub of Type 3 -2", Id = 8 , ProductType= 3},
                    new Product { Name = "Sub of Type 3 -3", Id = 9 , ProductType= 3},

            return products.ToDataSourceResult(request);


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