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Manage Chart Performance Issues


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Chart for jQuery Progress® Kendo UI® Map for jQuery Progress® Kendo UI® Diagram for jQuery Progress® Kendo UI® Barcode for jQuery Progress® Kendo UI® Gauge for jQuery
Kendo Version From 2017.2.504


This article provides tips and tricks on how to handle and improve the performance of the Kendo UI Gauges, Charts, Barcodes, Diagrams, and Maps.

Using Canvas Rendering

Switching to Canvas rendering improves the performance of the widgets, especially on mobile devices, and facilitates the visualization of data by its fast update and lower resource usage. For more information on configuration settings, refer to the renderAs API article.

Kendo UI version 2016.2 and earlier do not support interactivity and do not fire events when rendering in Canvas.

    <div id="chart"></div>
        $(function() {
                renderAs: "canvas",
                series: [{
                    type: "column",
                    data: [1, 2, 3]

Canvas Rendering in Inline Binding

When you use a DataSource binding, all data items are wrapped in Observable instances to track changes. Generally, such behavior is unnecessary for the Chart and might become an issue if you have a large number of data points—5,000 and more. In this case, you can use inline binding.

    <div id="chart"></div>
        series: [{
            name: "Series 1",
            type: "column",
            data: [200, 450, 300, 125, 100]
        }, {
            name: "Series 2",
            type: "column",
            data: [210, null, 200, 100, null]
        categoryAxis: {
            categories: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"]

The following example demonstrates how to do inline binding with objects.

    <div id="chart"></div>
    var seriesData = [
        { day: "Mon", sales1: 200, sales2: 210 },
        { day: "Tue", sales1: 450 },
        { day: "Wed", sales1: 300, sales2: 200 },
        { day: "Thu", sales1: 125, sales2: 100 },
        { day: "Fri", sales1: 100 }

        series: [{
            name: "Series 1",
            type: "column",
            data: seriesData,
            field: "sales1"
        }, {
            name: "Series 2",
            type: "column",
            data: seriesData,
            field: "sales2"
        categoryAxis: {
            categoryField: "day"

Turning Off Animated Transitions

Animated transitions might slow down the browser especially if the page displays many active charts.

    <div id="chart"></div>
        $(function() {
                series: [{
                    type: "column",
                    data: [1, 2, 3]
                transitions: false

The following example demonstrates how to disable only the initial animation.

    <div id="chart"></div>
      $(function() {
        var src = new[
            { value: 1 }, { value: 2 }

          dataSource: {
               data: src
          series: [{
              type: "column",
              field: "value"

        var chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart");
        chart.options.transitions = false;

        // Subsequent updates will not be animated.
        setTimeout(function() {
          src.push({ value: 3 });
        }, 2000);

Disabling Gradients

Using solid fills instead of gradients noticeably improves the performance of the Chart.

    <div id="chart"></div>
        $(function() {
                seriesDefaults: {
                  overlay: {
                    gradient: null
                series: [{
                    type: "column",
                    data: [1, 2, 3]
                transitions: false

Reducing the Number of Rendered Elements

When you have a lot of data points and categories, rendering all of them slows the Chart and makes it hard to read by the end user.

To improve both aspects, hide certain Chart elements, for example:

  • Hide minor and major grid lines on the X axis where many categories exist
  • Set a step for the category axis labels so only the nth label is rendered
  • Use a shorter format string for date axis labels
  • Entirely hide labels for series and/or axes
    <div id="chart"></div>
        $(function() {
               categoryAxis: {
                  minorGridLines: {visible: false},//hide unnecessary elements
                  majorGridLines: {visible: false},//hide unnecessary elements
                  labels: {
                    step: 60,//every hourly label so they don't overlap
                    rotation: 90,//rotate so they take up less horizontal space and also reduce overlap
                    //visible: false,//hide labels altogether, you can set that for the series/seriesDefaults as well
                    dateFormats: {
                      days: "HH:mm" //use shorter format for the labels
                  baseUnit: "minutes" //set up a date axis, choose an appropriate range for your data
                transitions: false

See Also

In this article