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Add New Points to a Scatter Line Chart


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Chart for jQuery
Product Version 2019.1.220


How can I dynamically add points to a new series into a Kendo UI Scatter Line Chart?


As an example of the desired scenario, enable the user to input information into two Kendo UI NumericTextBoxes (X and Y values) and click a button to add the point:

  1. During the click event, reference the Chart, its options, and the two NumericTextBoxes.
  2. Get the values of the NumericTextBoxes.
  3. Create a series if it has not been created yet.
  4. Push the new values into a global array.
  5. Set the new series data to the array.
  6. Call the redraw method of the Chart.
var myarray = [];

function AddPoint(e){

  var chart =  $("#chart").data("kendoChart");  //1
  var chartOptions = chart.options;
  var inputXNumBox = $("#inputX").data("kendoNumericTextBox");
  var inputYNumBox = $("#inputY").data("kendoNumericTextBox");

  var xValue = inputXNumBox.value();  //2
  var yValue = inputYNumBox.value();

  if (!chartOptions.series[3]){  //3
    chartOptions.series.push({"name":"Your Data"});
  myarray.push([xValue, yValue]);  //4
  chartOptions.series[3].data = myarray;  //5

  chart.redraw();  //6
    <div id="example">
      <div class="demo-section k-content wide">
        <div id="chart"></div>

        <label for="inputX">X:</label>
        <input id="inputX" />

        <label for="inputY">Y:</label>
        <input id="inputY" />

        <button id="btnAddPoint" class="k-primary">Add Point to New Series</button>
        $( document ).ready(function() {

            click: AddPoint

            title: {
              text: "Draw on this Scatter Line Chart"
            legend: {
              visible: true
            seriesDefaults: {
              type: "scatterLine"
            series: [{
              name: "0.8C",
              data: [[10, 10], [15, 20], [20, 25], [32, 40], [43, 50], [55, 60], [60, 70], [70, 80], [90, 100]]
            }, {
              name: "1.6C",
              data: [[10, 40], [17, 50], [18, 70], [35, 90], [47, 95], [60, 100]]
            }, {
              name: "3.1C",
              data: [[10, 70], [13, 90], [25, 100]]
            xAxis: {
              max: 90,
              labels: {
                format: "{0}m"
              title: {
                text: "Time"
            yAxis: {
              max: 100,
              labels: {
                format: "{0}%"
              title: {
                text: "Charge"
            tooltip: {
              visible: true,
              format: "{1}% in {0} minutes"

            decimals: 0,
            format: "n0"

            decimals: 0,
            format: "n0"
          var myarray = [];

          function AddPoint(e){

            var chart =  $("#chart").data("kendoChart");  //1
            var chartOptions = chart.options;
            var inputXNumBox = $("#inputX").data("kendoNumericTextBox");
            var inputYNumBox = $("#inputY").data("kendoNumericTextBox");

            var xValue = inputXNumBox.value();  //2
            var yValue = inputYNumBox.value();

            if (!chartOptions.series[3]){  //3
              chartOptions.series.push({"name":"Your Data"});
            myarray.push([xValue, yValue]);  //4
            chartOptions.series[3].data = myarray;  //5

            chart.redraw();  //6

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