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Exporting Chart Data to Excel - Kendo UI Chart


Product Version
Progress® Kendo UI® Chart for jQuery 2023.3.1114


I want to be able to export data from a Kendo UI Chart to Excel. How can I achieve this?


You can implement the export to Excel functionality for a Kendo UI Chart by following these steps:

  1. Reference the Kendo UI Chart and DataSource.
  2. Define the column headers in a rows array.
  3. Get the Chart's DataSource data, and push it to the rows array.
  4. Define a Kendo UI ooxml.Workbook and include the rows.
  5. Use the Kendo.saveAs method to save the Excel file with the data.

Here is an example of how to achieve this using JavaScript:

  <button id="exportButton">Export to Excel</button>
    <div id="chart"></div>
        dataSource: {
          transport: {
            read: {
              url: "",
              dataType: "json"
          sort: {
            field: "year",
            dir: "asc"
        title: {
          text: "Spain electricity production (GWh)"
        legend: {
          position: "top"
        seriesDefaults: {
          type: "column"
          field: "nuclear",
          categoryField: "year",
          name: "Nuclear"
        }, {
          field: "hydro",
          categoryField: "year",
          name: "Hydro"
        }, {
          field: "wind",
          categoryField: "year",
          name: "Wind"
        categoryAxis: {
          labels: {
            rotation: -90
          majorGridLines: {
            visible: false
        valueAxis: {
          labels: {
            format: "N0"
          majorUnit: 10000,
          line: {
            visible: false
        tooltip: {
          visible: true,
          format: "N0"

        click: function(e){
          // Reference Chart
          let chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart");

          // Reference Chart DataSource
          let chartDataSource = chart.dataSource;

          // Define Column Headers
          let rows = [{
            cells: [
              { value: "Year" },
              { value: "Nuclear" },
              { value: "Hydro" },
              { value: "Wind" }

          // Get DataSource Data
          let data =;

          for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
            // Push single row for every record.
              cells: [
                { value: data[i].year },
                { value: data[i].nuclear },
                { value: data[i].hydro },
                { value: data[i].wind }

          // Define Workbook
          var workbook = new kendo.ooxml.Workbook({
            sheets: [
                columns: [
                  // Column settings (width).
                  { autoWidth: true },
                  { autoWidth: true },
                  { autoWidth: true },
                  { autoWidth: true }
                // The title of the sheet.
                title: "Chart Title",
                // The rows of the sheet.
                rows: rows

          workbook.toDataURLAsync().then(function(dataURL) {

              dataURI: dataURL,
              fileName: "Test.xlsx"

Please refer to this Progress Kendo UI Dojo for a live example demonstrating this approach.

See Also

In this article