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Add maxLength Validation in the Editor


Product Progress® Kendo UI® Editor for jQuery
Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Visual Studio Version Visual Studio 2017
Preferred Language JavaScript


How can I define custom Kendo UI validators to check the length of the content in a Kendo UI for jQuery Editor?


The following example demonstrates how to define custom Kendo UI validators to check the length of the text content or the length of the HTML content in a Kendo UI Editor.

Open In Dojo
  <form id="employeeForm" novalidate="novalidate">
    <p>Both editors contain 100 characters.</p>

    <p>This editor has a max <em>text</em> length of 100 characters, so adding more formatting does not invalidate it</p>

    <span data-for='editor-maxtext' class='k-invalid-msg'></span>

    <textarea name="editor-maxtext" data-role="editor"
              data-maxtextlength-msg="Text must be shorter than 100 chars">LoremLorem&lt;strong&gt;Lorem&lt;/strong&gt;LoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLorem</textarea>

    <p>This editor has a max <em>html</em> length of 100 characters, so adding more formatting invalidates it</p>
    <span data-for='editor-maxhtml' class='k-invalid-msg'></span>

    <textarea name="editor-maxhtml" data-role="editor"
              data-maxhtmllength-msg="HTML must be shorter than 100 chars">LoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLoremLorem</textarea>

    <button class="k-button k-primary">Submit</button>

    var container = $("#employeeForm");


      rules: {
        maxTextLength: function (textarea) {
          if ("[data-maxtextlength-msg]") && textarea.val() != "") {
            var maxlength = textarea.attr("data-maxtextlength");
            var value ="kendoEditor").value();
            return value.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "").length <= maxlength;

          return true;
        maxHtmlLength: function(textarea) {
          if ("[data-maxhtmllength-msg]") && textarea.val() != "") {
            var maxlength = textarea.attr("data-maxhtmllength");
            var value ="kendoEditor").value();
            return value.length <= maxlength;

          return true;

    function save(e) {

      var validator = $("#employeeForm").data("kendoValidator");
      if (validator.validate()) {
        alert("Data saved");

    $("body").on("click", ".k-button", save);
