
A PHP class representing the toolbar setting of Spreadsheet.



A Boolean value which indicates if the Data tab or a collection of tools that will be shown in the Data tab will be displayed.The available tools are: sort; filter or validation.




$value boolean|array

Example - using boolean

$toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\SpreadsheetToolbar();

Example - using array

$toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\SpreadsheetToolbar();


A Boolean value which indicates if the Home tab or a collection of tools that will be shown in the Home tab will be displayed.The following list indicates the available tools. The tools which are part of a tool group are defined as an array. For example ["bold", "italic", "underline"]. open; exportAs; [cut, copy, paste]; [bold, italic, underline]; backgroundColor, textColor; borders; fontSize, fontFamily; alignment; textWrap; [formatDecreaseDecimal, formatIncreaseDecimal]; format; merge; freeze or filter.




$value boolean|array

Example - using boolean

$toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\SpreadsheetToolbar();

Example - using array

$toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\SpreadsheetToolbar();


A Boolean value which indicates if the Insert tab or a collection of tools that will be shown in the Insert tab will be displayed.The following list indicates the available tools. The tools which are part of a tool group are defined as an array. For example ["deleteColumn", "deleteRow"]. [ addColumnLeft, addColumnRight, addRowBelow, addRowAbove ] or [ deleteColumn, deleteRow ].




$value boolean|array

Example - using boolean

$toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\SpreadsheetToolbar();

Example - using array

$toolbar = new \Kendo\UI\SpreadsheetToolbar();
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