A JSP wrapper for Kendo UI TreeMap.
Configuration Attributes
autoBind boolean
If set to false the widget will not bind to the data source during initialization. In this case data binding will occur when the change event of the data source is fired. By default the widget will bind to the data source specified in the configuration.
<kendo:treeMap autoBind="autoBind">
colorField java.lang.String
The data item field which contains the tile color.
<kendo:treeMap colorField="colorField">
colors java.lang.Object
The default colors for the TreeMap items (tiles). Can be set to array of specific colors or array of color ranges. For more information on the widget behavior, see the Colors section on the TreeMap Overview page.
<kendo:treeMap colors="colors">
template java.lang.String
The template which renders the treeMap tile content.The fields which can be used in the template are: dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. or text - the original tile text..
<kendo:treeMap template="template">
textField java.lang.String
The data item field which contains the tile title.
<kendo:treeMap textField="textField">
theme java.lang.String
The theme of the TreeMap.Note: Since Q2 2024 release, the default value for the theme property is "sass" instead of "default". It is recommended to use "sass" with version Q2 2024 or later.
<kendo:treeMap theme="theme">
type java.lang.String
The layout type for the Treemap.
<kendo:treeMap type="type">
valueField java.lang.String
The data item field which contains the tile value.
<kendo:treeMap valueField="valueField">
Event Attributes
itemCreated String
Fired when a tile has been created.
For additional information check the itemCreated event documentation.
<kendo:treeMap itemCreated="handle_itemCreated">
function handle_itemCreated(e) {
// Code to handle the itemCreated event.
dataBound String
Fired when the widget is bound to data from its dataSource.
For additional information check the dataBound event documentation.
<kendo:treeMap dataBound="handle_dataBound">
function handle_dataBound(e) {
// Code to handle the dataBound event.
Event Tags
Fired when a tile has been created.
For additional information check the itemCreated event documentation.
function(e) {
// Code to handle the itemCreated event.
Fired when the widget is bound to data from its dataSource.
For additional information check the dataBound event documentation.
function(e) {
// Code to handle the dataBound event.