If set to true, the TreeList displays a pager. By default, paging is disabled. Only client-side paging is supported which means that all data items are expected to be available when the TreeList is initialized. Can be set to a JavaScript object which represents the pager configuration.
Configuration Attributes
alwaysVisible boolean
(Available as of the Kendo UI 2017 R3 release) By default, the TreeList will render a pager even when total number of items in the DataSource is less than the pageSize value.If set to false the TreeList will toggle the pager visibility as follows: When the total amount of items initially set in the DataSource is less than the pageSize number, the pager will be hidden.; When the total amount of items initially set in the DataSource is greater than or equal to the pageSize number, the pager will be shown.; When the total amount of items in the DataSource becomes less than the pageSize number (after a delete or filter operation, or upon changing the pageSize), the pager will be hidden. or When the total amount of items in the DataSource becomes greater than or equal to the pageSize number (after an insert or filter operation, or upon changing the pageSize), the pager will be shown..
<kendo:treeList-pageable alwaysVisible="alwaysVisible">
buttonCount float
The maximum number of buttons that are displayed in the numeric pager. If more pages than the specified number are rendered, the pager will display ellipsis (...).
<kendo:treeList-pageable buttonCount="buttonCount">
info boolean
If set to true, the pager will display information about the current page and the total number of data items. By default, the paging information is displayed.
<kendo:treeList-pageable info="info">
input boolean
If set to true, the pager will display an input element which allows the user to type a specific page number. By default, the page input is not displayed.
<kendo:treeList-pageable input="input">
numeric boolean
If set to true, the pager will display buttons for navigating to specific pages. By default, these buttons are displayed.
<kendo:treeList-pageable numeric="numeric">
pageSize float
The number of data items which will be displayed in the TreeList.
<kendo:treeList-pageable pageSize="pageSize">
pageSizes java.lang.Object
If set to true, the pager will display a drop-down which allows the user to pick a page size. By default, the drop-down for the page size is not displayed. Can be set to an array of predefined page sizes to override the default list. The TreeList supports a special all value which sets the page size to the total number of records. If you set a pageSize for the data source, then this value will be selected initially.
<kendo:treeList-pageable pageSizes="pageSizes">
previousNext boolean
If set to true, the pager will display buttons for going to the first, previous, next, and last pages. By default, these buttons are displayed.
<kendo:treeList-pageable previousNext="previousNext">
refresh boolean
If set to true, the pager will display the Refresh button. Clicking the Refresh button will refresh the TreeList. By default, the Refresh button is not displayed.
<kendo:treeList-pageable refresh="refresh">
responsive boolean
If set to false, the pager will not be responsive. By default, the pager is responsive.
<kendo:treeList-pageable responsive="responsive">
Configuration JSP Tags
The text messages that are displayed in the pager. Use this option to customize or localize the pager messages.
More documentation is available at kendo:treeList-pageable-messages.