Configures the Excel export settings of the TreeList.
Configuration Attributes
allPages boolean
If set to true the TreeList will export all pages of data. By default the TreeList exports only the current page.
<kendo:treeList-excel allPages="allPages">
fileName java.lang.String
Specifies the file name of the exported Excel file.
<kendo:treeList-excel fileName="fileName">
filterable boolean
Enables or disables column filtering in the Excel file. Not to be mistaken with the filtering feature of the TreeList.
<kendo:treeList-excel filterable="filterable">
forceProxy boolean
If set to true, the content will be forwarded to proxyURL even if the browser supports local file saving.
<kendo:treeList-excel forceProxy="forceProxy">
proxyURL java.lang.String
The URL of the server-side proxy which will stream the file to the end user. A proxy will be used when the browser is not capable of saving files locally. Such browsers are IE version 9 and earlier and Safari. The developer is responsible for implementing the server-side proxy. The proxy will return the decoded file with the Content-Disposition header set to attachment; filename="
<kendo:treeList-excel proxyURL="proxyURL">