
If set to true, the TreeList displays the column menu when the user clicks the Chevron icon in the column headers. The column menu allows the user to show and hide columns, and, if filtering and sorting are enabled, filter and sort the data. By default, the column menu is disabled. Can be set to a JavaScript object which represents the column menu configuration.



Configuration Attributes

columns boolean

If set to true, the column menu allows the user to select (show and hide) TreeList columns. By default, the column menu allows column selection.


<kendo:treeList-columnMenu columns="columns">

filterable boolean

If set to true, the column menu will allow the user to filter the TreeList. By default, if filtering is enabled through filterable, the column menu allows the user to filter.


<kendo:treeList-columnMenu filterable="filterable">

sortable boolean

If set to true, the column menu will allow the user to sort the TreeList by the column field. By default, if sorting is enabled through sortable, the column menu allows the user to sort the data.


<kendo:treeList-columnMenu sortable="sortable">

Configuration JSP Tags


The text messages that is played in the column menu. Use it to customize or localize the column menu messages.

More documentation is available at kendo:treeList-columnMenu-messages.


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