The data point tooltip configuration options.
Configuration Attributes
background java.lang.String
The background color of the tooltip. The default is determined from the series color.
<kendo:stockChart-seriesItem-tooltip background="background">
color java.lang.String
The text color of the tooltip. The default is the same as the series labels color.
<kendo:stockChart-seriesItem-tooltip color="color">
font java.lang.String
The tooltip font.
<kendo:stockChart-seriesItem-tooltip font="font">
format java.lang.String
The tooltip format. Format variables depend on the series type: Area, column, line and pie0 - value or Candlestick and OHLC0 - open value1 - high value2 - low value3 - close value4 - category name.
<kendo:stockChart-seriesItem-tooltip format="format">
padding java.lang.Object
The padding of the tooltip.
<kendo:stockChart-seriesItem-tooltip padding="padding">
template java.lang.String
The tooltip template. Template variables: value - the point value (either a number or an object); category - the category name; series - the data series or dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array..
<kendo:stockChart-seriesItem-tooltip template="template">
visible boolean
A value indicating if the tooltip should be displayed.
<kendo:stockChart-seriesItem-tooltip visible="visible">
Configuration JSP Tags
The border configuration options.
More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-seriesItem-tooltip-border.
Event Attributes
template String
The tooltip template. Template variables: value - the point value (either a number or an object); category - the category name; series - the data series or dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array..
<kendo:stockChart-seriesItem-tooltip template="handle_template">
function handle_template(e) {
// Code to handle the template event.
Event Tags
The tooltip template. Template variables: value - the point value (either a number or an object); category - the category name; series - the data series or dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array..
function(e) {
// Code to handle the template event.