
The configuration of the Chart legend item for all series.



Configuration Attributes

cursor java.lang.String

The cursor style of the legend item.


<kendo:stockChart-seriesDefaults-legendItem cursor="cursor">

type java.lang.String

Sets the type of the legend items. The default value is based on the series type.The supported values are: "line"—the legend items are rendered as a line. This is the default value for line charts. or "area"—the legend items are rendered as a filled rectangle. This is the default value for area charts..


<kendo:stockChart-seriesDefaults-legendItem type="type">

visual java.lang.String

A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the legend items. The available argument fields are: options—The item options.; createVisual—A function for getting the default visual.; series—The item series. or pointIndex—The index of the point in the series. Available for the Pie, Donut, and Funnel series..


<kendo:stockChart-seriesDefaults-legendItem visual="visual">

Configuration JSP Tags


Sets the configuration of the legend items of type area. By default, all series except line and scatter use this legend type.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-seriesDefaults-legendItem-area.




The highlight configuration of the legend item.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-seriesDefaults-legendItem-highlight.




Sets the configuration of the legend items of type line. This is the default legend item type for all line and scatter series.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-seriesDefaults-legendItem-line.




The configuration of the Chart legend item markers.By default, the marker configuration will be the same as the series.markers settings of the displayed series.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-seriesDefaults-legendItem-markers.



Event Attributes

visual String

A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the legend items. The available argument fields are: options—The item options.; createVisual—A function for getting the default visual.; series—The item series. or pointIndex—The index of the point in the series. Available for the Pie, Donut, and Funnel series..


<kendo:stockChart-seriesDefaults-legendItem visual="handle_visual">
    function handle_visual(e) {
        // Code to handle the visual event.

Event Tags


A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the legend items. The available argument fields are: options—The item options.; createVisual—A function for getting the default visual.; series—The item series. or pointIndex—The index of the point in the series. Available for the Pie, Donut, and Funnel series..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the visual event.
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