
The axis labels configuration.



Configuration Attributes

background java.lang.String

The background color of the labels. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels background="background">

color java.lang.String

The text color of the labels. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels color="color">

culture java.lang.String

The culture to use when formatting date values. See the globalization overview for more information.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels culture="culture">

font java.lang.String

The font style of the labels.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels font="font">

format java.lang.String

The format used to display the labels. Uses kendo.format. Contains one placeholder ("{0}") which represents the category value.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels format="format">

margin float

The margin of the labels. A numeric value will set all margins. Further configuration is available via kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels-margin.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels margin="margin">

mirror boolean

If set to true the chart will mirror the axis labels and ticks. If the labels are normally on the left side of the axis, mirroring the axis will render them to the right.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels mirror="mirror">

padding float

The padding of the labels. A numeric value will set all paddings. Further configuration is available via kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels-padding.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels padding="padding">

rotation float

The rotation angle of the labels. By default the labels are not rotated.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels rotation="rotation">

skip float

The number of labels to skip. By default no labels are skipped.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels skip="skip">

step float

The label rendering step - render every n-th label. By default every label is rendered.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels step="step">

template java.lang.String

The template which renders the labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: value - the category value; dataItem - the data item for the category; format - the default format of the label; culture - the default culture (if set) on the label; index - the 0-based index of the current label or count - the total number of labels on the axis.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels template="template">

visible boolean

If set to true the chart will display the category axis labels. By default the category axis labels are visible.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels visible="visible">

Configuration JSP Tags


The border of the labels.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels-border.




The format used to display the labels when the categories are dates. Uses kendo.format. Contains one placeholder ("{0}") which represents the category value.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels-dateFormats.




The margin of the labels. A numeric value will set all margins.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels-margin.




The padding of the labels. A numeric value will set all paddings.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels-padding.



Event Attributes

template String

The template which renders the labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: value - the category value; dataItem - the data item for the category; format - the default format of the label; culture - the default culture (if set) on the label; index - the 0-based index of the current label or count - the total number of labels on the axis.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-categoryAxis-labels template="handle_template">
    function handle_template(e) {
        // Code to handle the template event.

Event Tags


The template which renders the labels.The fields which can be used in the template are: value - the category value; dataItem - the data item for the category; format - the default format of the label; culture - the default culture (if set) on the label; index - the 0-based index of the current label or count - the total number of labels on the axis.


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the template event.
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