A Boolean value which indicates if the toolbar will be displayed.Apart from the built-in tools, the Spreadsheet Home, Insert and Data ToolBars fully expose the ToolBar.items API. This way you can specify any custom tools in the widget using the components available in the ToolBar itself:
Configuration Attributes
data java.lang.Object
A Boolean value which indicates if the Data tab or a collection of tools that will be shown in the Data tab will be displayed.The available tools are: sort; filter or validation.
<kendo:spreadsheet-toolbar data="data">
home java.lang.Object
A Boolean value which indicates if the Home tab or a collection of tools that will be shown in the Home tab will be displayed.The following list indicates the available tools. The tools which are part of a tool group are defined as an array. For example ["bold", "italic", "underline"]. open; exportAs; [cut, copy, paste]; [bold, italic, underline]; backgroundColor, textColor; borders; fontSize, fontFamily; alignment; textWrap; [formatDecreaseDecimal, formatIncreaseDecimal]; format; merge; freeze or filter.
<kendo:spreadsheet-toolbar home="home">
insert java.lang.Object
A Boolean value which indicates if the Insert tab or a collection of tools that will be shown in the Insert tab will be displayed.The following list indicates the available tools. The tools which are part of a tool group are defined as an array. For example ["deleteColumn", "deleteRow"]. [ addColumnLeft, addColumnRight, addRowBelow, addRowAbove ] or [ deleteColumn, deleteRow ].
<kendo:spreadsheet-toolbar insert="insert">