
Configures the PDF export settings of the Spreadsheet.



Configuration Attributes

area java.lang.String

The area that will be exported.The supported values are: * workbook - Exports the full workbook, including all sheets. * sheet - Exports the active sheet. * selection - Exports the selected area on the active sheet.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf area="area">

author java.lang.String

The author of the PDF document.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf author="author">

autoPrint boolean

Specifies if the Print dialog should be opened immediately after loading the document.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf autoPrint="autoPrint">

creator java.lang.String

The creator of the PDF document.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf creator="creator">

date java.util.Date

The date when the PDF document is created. Defaults to new Date().


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf date="date">

fileName java.lang.String

Specifies the file name of the exported PDF file.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf fileName="fileName">

fitWidth boolean

Indicates whether to fit the content of the Spreadsheet to the width of the page.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf fitWidth="fitWidth">

forceProxy boolean

If set to true, the content will be forwarded to proxyURL even if the browser supports the saving of files locally.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf forceProxy="forceProxy">

guidelines boolean

Indicates whether to export the cell guidelines.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf guidelines="guidelines">

hCenter boolean

Indicates whether to center the content horizontally. For more information, refer to vCenter.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf hCenter="hCenter">

jpegQuality float

Specifies the quality of the images within the exported file, from 0 to 1.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf jpegQuality="jpegQuality">

keepPNG boolean

If set to true all PNG images contained in the exported file will be kept in PNG format.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf keepPNG="keepPNG">

keywords java.lang.String

Specifies the keywords of the exported PDF file.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf keywords="keywords">

landscape boolean

If set to true, reverses the paper dimensions if that width is needed as the larger edge.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf landscape="landscape">

paperSize java.lang.Object

Specifies the paper size of the PDF document. The default auto setting means that the paper size is determined by the content.The supported values are: * A predefined size - A4, A3, and so on. * An array of two numbers which specify the width and height in points (1pt = 1/72in). * An array of two strings which specify the width and height in units. The supported values are mm, cm, in, and pt.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf paperSize="paperSize">

proxyTarget java.lang.String

A name or keyword which indicates where to display the document that is returned from the proxy. To display the document in a new window or iframe, set the proxy Content-Disposition header to inline; filename="".


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf proxyTarget="proxyTarget">

proxyURL java.lang.String

The URL of the server side proxy which will stream the file to the end user. A proxy will be used when the browser is not capable of saving files locally, for example, Internet Explorer 9 and Safari. The developer is responsible for implementing the server-side proxy. The proxy will return the decoded file with the Content-Disposition header set to attachment; filename="".The proxy will receive a POST request with the following parameters in the request body: contentType - The MIME type of the file.; base64 - The base-64 encoded file content. or fileName - The file name as requested by the caller..


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf proxyURL="proxyURL">

subject java.lang.String

Sets the subject of the PDF file.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf subject="subject">

title java.lang.String

Sets the title of the PDF file.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf title="title">

vCenter boolean

Indicates whether to center the content vertically. For more information, refer to hCenter.


<kendo:spreadsheet-pdf vCenter="vCenter">

Configuration JSP Tags


Specifies the margins of the page (numbers or strings with units).The supported values are: mm; cm; in or pt (default).

More documentation is available at kendo:spreadsheet-pdf-margin.


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