
The links of the Sankey. The links are the connections between the nodes. Each link has a sourceId and targetId that correspond to the id of the source and target nodes, and a value that represents the value of the link.



Configuration Attributes

color java.lang.String

The color of the link. The color is used when the colorType option is set to static. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.


<kendo:sankey-data-link color="color">

colorType java.lang.String

Defines the color type of the link.


<kendo:sankey-data-link colorType="colorType">

opacity float

The opacity of the links.


<kendo:sankey-data-link opacity="opacity">

sourceId java.lang.Object

The source node ID of the link. The source node is the node from which the link originates.


<kendo:sankey-data-link sourceId="sourceId">

targetId java.lang.Object

The target node ID of the link. The target node is the node to which the link points.


<kendo:sankey-data-link targetId="targetId">

value float

The value of the link. The value represents the weight of the link and determines the width of the link.


<kendo:sankey-data-link value="value">

Configuration JSP Tags

The link highlight configuration options.

More documentation is available at kendo:sankey-data-link-highlight.


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