
A JSP wrapper for Kendo UI RadioButton.

Configuration Attributes

checked boolean

The checked state of the RadioButton.


<kendo:radioButton checked="checked">

enabled boolean

If set to false, the RadioButton will be disabled and will not allow the user to change its checked state.


<kendo:radioButton enabled="enabled">

encoded boolean

Determines whether the radio label content should be rendered as an HTML string or it should be encoded.


<kendo:radioButton encoded="encoded">

label java.lang.String

Specifies the label content for the radio.


<kendo:radioButton label="label">

size java.lang.String

Sets a value controlling the size of the component.


<kendo:radioButton size="size">

Event Attributes

change String

Fires when the checked state of the RadioButton is changed through user interaction.

For additional information check the change event documentation.


<kendo:radioButton change="handle_change">
    function handle_change(e) {
        // Code to handle the change event.

Event Tags


Fires when the checked state of the RadioButton is changed through user interaction.

For additional information check the change event documentation.


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the change event.
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