If a String value is assigned to the toolbar configuration option, it will be treated as a single string template for the whole PropertyGrid toolbar and the string value will be passed as an argument to a kendo.template() function.; If a Function value is assigned (it may be a kendo.template() function call or a generic function reference), then the return value of the function will be used to render the contents of the PropertyGrid toolbar. or If an Array value is assigned, it will be treated as the list of commands which are displayed in the PropertyGrid toolbar. Commands can be custom or built-in. The supported built-in commands are:search—Adds a Search input to the ToolBar of the PropertyGrid. Search is performed by property name.sort—Adds a DropDownList with sorting options. Properties are sorted by property name.group—Renders a button for toggling between List and Group layout.details—Renders a button for toggling the Details/Info box.separator—Renders a separator element.spacer—Renders a spacer element.excel—Exports the data in MS Excel format.pdf—Exports the data in PDF format..
Configuration Attributes
click java.lang.String
The click handler of the toolbar command. Used for custom toolbar commands.
<kendo:propertyGrid-toolbarItem click="click">
icon java.lang.String
Specifies the icon's name that will be rendered inside the toolbar button. When you set this option, the PropertyGrid renders an additional span element inside the toolbar button which has a name set to the option value. This approach allows you to display an icon inside your custom toolbar commands.
<kendo:propertyGrid-toolbarItem icon="icon">
imageClass java.lang.String
A class name that will be rendered inside the toolbar button. When you set this option, the PropertyGrid renders an additional span element inside the toolbar button which has a class name set to the option value. This approach allows you to display an icon inside your custom toolbar commands.
<kendo:propertyGrid-toolbarItem imageClass="imageClass">
name java.lang.String
The name of the toolbar command. Can be either a built-in ("search", "sort", "group" or "details") or a custom string. The name is output in the HTML as a value of the data-command attribute of the button.
<kendo:propertyGrid-toolbarItem name="name">
text java.lang.String
The text that is displayed by the command button. If not set, the PropertyGrid will use the name option as the button text instead.
<kendo:propertyGrid-toolbarItem text="text">
Event Attributes
click String
The click handler of the toolbar command. Used for custom toolbar commands.
<kendo:propertyGrid-toolbarItem click="handle_click">
function handle_click(e) {
// Code to handle the click event.
Event Tags
The click handler of the toolbar command. Used for custom toolbar commands.
function(e) {
// Code to handle the click event.