
Configures the Kendo UI PivotGridV2 Excel export settings.



Configuration Attributes

fileName java.lang.String

Specifies the file name of the exported Excel file.


<kendo:pivotGridV2-excel fileName="fileName">

filterable boolean

Enables or disables column filtering in the Excel file. Not to be mistaken with the pivotgrid's configurator filtering feature.


<kendo:pivotGridV2-excel filterable="filterable">

forceProxy boolean

If set to true, the content will be forwarded to proxyURL even if the browser supports saving files locally.


<kendo:pivotGridV2-excel forceProxy="forceProxy">

proxyURL java.lang.String

The URL of the server side proxy which will stream the file to the end user.Such browsers are IE version 9 and lower and Safari.The developer is responsible for implementing the server-side proxy.The proxy will receive a POST request with the following parameters in the request body: contentType: The MIME type of the file; base64: The base-64 encoded file content or fileName: The file name, as requested by the caller.. The proxy should return the decoded file with the "Content-Disposition" header set toattachment; filename="".


<kendo:pivotGridV2-excel proxyURL="proxyURL">
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