Indicates whether the ListBox items can be dragged and dropped.
Configuration Attributes
enabled boolean
Indicates whether dragging is enabled.
<kendo:listBox-draggable enabled="enabled">
hint java.lang.String
Provides an option to customize the draggable item hint. If a function is supplied, it receives a single argument - the jQuery object of the draggable element. If a hint is not provided, the ListBox clones the dragged item and uses it as a hint.
<kendo:listBox-draggable hint="hint">
placeholder java.lang.String
Provides an option to customize the item placeholder of the ListBox. If a function is supplied, it receives a single argument - the jQuery object of the draggable element. If a placeholder is not provided, the ListBox clones the dragged item, removes its id attribute, sets its visibility to hidden, and uses it as a placeholder.
<kendo:listBox-draggable placeholder="placeholder">
Event Attributes
hint String
Provides an option to customize the draggable item hint. If a function is supplied, it receives a single argument - the jQuery object of the draggable element. If a hint is not provided, the ListBox clones the dragged item and uses it as a hint.
<kendo:listBox-draggable hint="handle_hint">
function handle_hint(e) {
// Code to handle the hint event.
placeholder String
Provides an option to customize the item placeholder of the ListBox. If a function is supplied, it receives a single argument - the jQuery object of the draggable element. If a placeholder is not provided, the ListBox clones the dragged item, removes its id attribute, sets its visibility to hidden, and uses it as a placeholder.
<kendo:listBox-draggable placeholder="handle_placeholder">
function handle_placeholder(e) {
// Code to handle the placeholder event.
Event Tags
Provides an option to customize the draggable item hint. If a function is supplied, it receives a single argument - the jQuery object of the draggable element. If a hint is not provided, the ListBox clones the dragged item and uses it as a hint.
function(e) {
// Code to handle the hint event.
Provides an option to customize the item placeholder of the ListBox. If a function is supplied, it receives a single argument - the jQuery object of the draggable element. If a placeholder is not provided, the ListBox clones the dragged item, removes its id attribute, sets its visibility to hidden, and uses it as a placeholder.
function(e) {
// Code to handle the placeholder event.