The configuration of the gantt resource(s). A gantt resource is optional metadata that can be associated with a gantt task.
Configuration Attributes
dataColorField java.lang.String
The field of the resource data item which contains the resource color.
<kendo:gantt-resources dataColorField="dataColorField">
dataFormatField java.lang.String
The field of the resource data item containing the format of the resource value, which could be assigned to a gantt task. The data item format value could be any valid kendo format.
<kendo:gantt-resources dataFormatField="dataFormatField">
dataTextField java.lang.String
The field of the resource data item which represents the resource text.
<kendo:gantt-resources dataTextField="dataTextField">
field java.lang.String
The field of the gantt task which contains the assigned resource objects.
<kendo:gantt-resources field="field">