
The configuration of the grid columns. An array of JavaScript objects or strings. JavaScript objects are interpreted as column configurations. Strings are interpreted as the field to which the column is bound. The grid will create a column for every item of the array.



Configuration Attributes

encoded boolean

If set to true the column value will be HTML-encoded before it is displayed. If set to false the column value will be displayed as is. By default the column value is HTML-encoded.


<kendo:fileManager-views-grid-column encoded="encoded">

field java.lang.String

The field to which the column is bound. The value of this field is displayed in the column's cells during data binding. Only columns that are bound to a field can be sortable or filterable. The field name should be a valid Javascript identifier and should contain only alphanumeric characters (or "$" or "_"), and may not start with a digit.


<kendo:fileManager-views-grid-column field="field">

headerTemplate java.lang.String

The template which renders the column header content. By default the value of the title column option is displayed in the column header cell.


<kendo:fileManager-views-grid-column headerTemplate="headerTemplate">

sortable boolean

If set to true the user can click the column header and sort the grid by the column field when sorting is enabled. If set to false sorting will be disabled for this column.


<kendo:fileManager-views-grid-column sortable="sortable">

template java.lang.String

If set to true the user can click the column header and sort the grid by the column field when sorting is enabled. If set to false sorting will be disabled for this column.


<kendo:fileManager-views-grid-column template="template">

title java.lang.String

The text that is displayed in the column header cell. If not set the field is used.


<kendo:fileManager-views-grid-column title="title">

width float

The text that is displayed in the column header cell. If not set the field is used.


<kendo:fileManager-views-grid-column width="width">
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