
If enabled, the editor renders a resize handle to allow users to resize it.



Configuration Attributes

content boolean

If enabled, the editor renders a resize handle to allow users to resize it.


<kendo:editor-resizable content="content">

max float

The maximum height that the editor can be resized to. If set to an object the user can restrict both max width and height values. Further configuration is available via kendo:editor-resizable-max.


<kendo:editor-resizable max="max">

min float

The minimum height that the editor can be resized to. If set to an object the user can restrict both min width and height values. Further configuration is available via kendo:editor-resizable-min.


<kendo:editor-resizable min="min">

toolbar boolean

If resizable is set to true the widget will detect changes in the viewport width and will hide the overflowing controls in the tool overflow popup.


<kendo:editor-resizable toolbar="toolbar">

Configuration JSP Tags


The maximum height that the editor can be resized to. If set to an object the user can restrict both max width and height values.

More documentation is available at kendo:editor-resizable-max.




The minimum height that the editor can be resized to. If set to an object the user can restrict both min width and height values.

More documentation is available at kendo:editor-resizable-min.


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