Specifies the the toolbar tools. Supports all options supported by the toolbar.items property. Predefined tools are: "edit" - The selected item can be edited.; "createShape" - Adds an empty shape data item and a popup window is displayed.; "createConnection" - Adds an empty connection data item and a popup window is displayed.; "undo" - Undoes the previous action.; "redo" - Executes again the previously undone action.; "rotateClockwise" - The selected items can be rotated clockwise. The default rotation value is 90 degree. or "rotateAnticlockwise" - The selected items can be rotated anticlockwise. The default rotation value is 90 degree..
Configuration Attributes
Configuration JSP Tags
Specifies the the toolbar tools. Supports all options supported by the toolbar.items property. Predefined tools are: "edit" - The selected item can be edited.; "createShape" - Adds an empty shape data item and a popup window is displayed.; "createConnection" - Adds an empty connection data item and a popup window is displayed.; "undo" - Undoes the previous action.; "redo" - Executes again the previously undone action.; "rotateClockwise" - The selected items can be rotated clockwise. The default rotation value is 90 degree. or "rotateAnticlockwise" - The selected items can be rotated anticlockwise. The default rotation value is 90 degree..
More documentation is available at kendo:diagram-editable-tool.