Specifies the stroke on hovering over the resizing handles. See the editable.resize configuration for an example.
Configuration Attributes
color java.lang.String
Specifies the stroke color on hovering over the resizing handles. See the editable.resize configuration for an example.
<kendo:diagram-editable-resize-handles-hover-stroke color="color">
dashType java.lang.String
Specifies the stroke dash type on hovering over the resizing handles. See the editable.resize configuration for an example.The following dash types are supported: "dash" - A line that consists of dashes; "dashDot" - A line that consists of a repeating pattern of dash-dot; "dot" - A line that consists of dots; "longDash" - A line that consists of a repeating pattern of long-dash; "longDashDot" - A line that consists of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot; "longDashDotDot" - A line that consists of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot-dot or "solid" - A solid line.
<kendo:diagram-editable-resize-handles-hover-stroke dashType="dashType">
width float
Specifies the stroke color on hovering over the resizing handles. See the editable.resize configuration for an example.
<kendo:diagram-editable-resize-handles-hover-stroke width="width">