
A JSP wrapper for Kendo UI Avatar.

Configuration Attributes

alt java.lang.String

A text description of the Avatar image. When type="image" is configured this value will be used to populate the alt attribute of the element.


<kendo:avatar alt="alt">

border boolean

Specifies whether the avatar should render border around its container element. Default is false.


<kendo:avatar border="border">

className java.lang.String

Adds additional custom classes to the Avatar container element.


<kendo:avatar className="className">

fillMode java.lang.String

Specifies the appearance fill style of the Avatar. The available values are "outline", "solid" (default), and "none".


<kendo:avatar fillMode="fillMode">

icon java.lang.String

Specifies an icon name to be used if the avatar type is set to icon. For a list of available icon names, please refer to the Web Font Icons article.


<kendo:avatar icon="icon">

image java.lang.String

Specifies an image URL or dataURL that would be used to populate the src attribute of the avatar element.


<kendo:avatar image="image">

rounded java.lang.String

Could be one of the predefined shapes available for the widget container: "full" (default), "small", "medium", "large", or "none".


<kendo:avatar rounded="rounded">

size java.lang.String

The Avatar allows you to set predefined sizes. The available size values are "small", "medium" (default), "large", or "none".


<kendo:avatar size="size">

style java.lang.Object

Sets additional CSS styles to the Avatar container element.


<kendo:avatar style="style">

text java.lang.String

Will be used to populated Avatar content when its type is set to text


<kendo:avatar text="text">

themeColor java.lang.String

The Avatar allows you to specify predefined theme colors for background of its container. The available themeColor values are: - "primary" (Default) - Applies coloring based on primary theme color. - "base" - Applies base theme color. - "secondary" - Applies coloring based on secondary theme color. - "tertiary" - Applies coloring based on tertiary theme color. - "inherit" - Applies inherited coloring value. - "info" - Applies coloring based on info theme color. - "success" - Applies coloring based on success theme color. - "warning" - Applies coloring based on warning theme color. - "error" - Applies coloring based on error theme color. - "dark" - Applies coloring based on dark theme color. - "light" - Applies coloring based on light theme color. - "inverse" - Applies coloring based on inverted theme color. - "none" - Does not apply theme color class.


<kendo:avatar themeColor="themeColor">

type java.lang.String

Could be one of the three predefined types for the widget: icon, image, or text (default).


<kendo:avatar type="type">
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