files Array
The list of files that will be initially rendered in the files list of the Upload.
Each file object in the array has to contain the following properties:
- name
- size
- extension
option is available only when the Upload is in async mode. As a result, the files are displayed as uploaded successfully.
Example - passing an array of initial files
<input type="file" name="files" id="upload" />
var files = [
{ name: "file1.doc", size: 525, extension: ".doc" },
{ name: "file2.jpg", size: 600, extension: ".jpg" },
{ name: "file3.xls", size: 720, extension: ".xls" },
async: {
saveUrl: "Home/Save",
removeUrl: "Home/Remove",
autoUpload: true
files: files
files.extension String
The extension of the initial file. String
The name of the initial file.
files.size Number
The size of the initial file.