
Fires when the column menu is initialized. The event handler function context (available through the this keyword) will be set to the widget instance.

Event Data

e.container jQuery

The jQuery object which represents column menu form element.

e.field String

The field of the column for which the column menu is initialized.

e.sender kendo.ui.TreeList

The widget instance which fired the event.

Example - subscribing to the columnMenuInit event during initialization

<div id="treeList"></div>
    columns: [
      { field: "name" },
      { field: "age" }
    dataSource: {
      data: [
        { id: 1, parentId: null, name: "Jane Doe", age: 22 },
        { id: 2, parentId: 1, name: "John Doe", age: 24 }
    columnMenu: true,
    columnMenuInit: function(e) {
      var menu = e.container.find(".k-menu").data("kendoMenu");
      var field = e.field;
      menu.append({ text: "Custom" });
      menu.bind("select", function(e) {
        if ($(e.item).text() == "Custom") {
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
          console.log("Custom button for", field);

Example - subscribing to the columnMenuInit event after initialization

<div id="treeList"></div>
  function treelist_columnMenuInit(e) {
    var menu = e.container.find(".k-menu").data("kendoMenu");
    var field = e.field;
    menu.append({ text: "Custom" });
    menu.bind("select", function(e) {
      if ($(e.item).text() == "Custom") {
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
        console.log("Custom button for", field);

    columns: [
      { field: "name" },
      { field: "age" }
    dataSource: {
      data: [
        { id: 1, parentId: null, name: "Jane Doe", age: 22 },
        { id: 2, parentId: 1, name: "John Doe", age: 24 }
    columnMenu: true

  var treelist = $("#treeList").data("kendoTreeList");
  treelist.bind("columnMenuInit", treelist_columnMenuInit);
In this article