
Fires when the SplitButton's popup closes.

Event Data

e.SplitButton jQuery

The jQuery object that represents the SplitButton element.

e.preventDefault Function

Prevents the close action if called. The popup will remain open.

e.sender kendo.ui.ToolBar

The widget instance which fired the event.

Example - subscribe to the "close" event during initialization

<div id="toolbar"></div>
        items: [
            { type: "splitButton", id: "splitButton", name: "splitButton", text: "Split Button", menuButtons: [
                { id: "option1", text: "Option 1" },
                { id: "option2", text: "Option 2" },
                { id: "option3", text: "Option 3" },
                { id: "option4", text: "Option 4" }
            ] }
        close: function(e) {
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
            console.log("close", e);

Example - subscribe to the "close" event after initialization and prevent the popup closing

<div id="toolbar"></div>
        items: [
            { type: "splitButton", id: "splitButton", name: "splitButton", text: "Split Button", menuButtons: [
                { id: "option1", text: "Option 1" },
                { id: "option2", text: "Option 2" },
                { id: "option3", text: "Option 3" },
                { id: "option4", text: "Option 4" }
            ] }

    var toolbar = $("#toolbar").data("kendoToolBar");
    toolbar.bind("close", function(e){
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
        console.log("close", e);
In this article