resources.valuePrimitive Boolean (default: true)

Set to false if the TaskBoard event field specified via the field option contains a resource data item. By default the TaskBoard expects that field to contain a primitive value (string, number) which corresponds to the "value" of the resource (specified via dataValueField).


<div id="taskBoard"></div>

<script id="card-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
      <div class="template-container">
          <div class="template-header">
              <p><a class="k-card-title k-link" href="" data-command="SelectCardCommand">#: title #</a></p>
          <p>#: description#</p>
          <p>#:resources.priority.title#: <span style="color:#:resources.priority.color#">#:resources.priority.text#<span></p>

      resources: [{
        field: "priority",
        valuePrimitive: false,
        dataValueField: "type",
        title: "Priority",
        dataSource: [
          { type: "urgent", text: "Urgent", color: "orange" },
          { type: "highpriority", text: "High Priority", color: "blue" },
          { type: "lowpriority", text: "Low Priority", color: "green" }
      template: $("#card-template").html(),
      dataCategoryField: "category",
      dataSource: [
        { id: 1, order: 1, title: "Task 1", description: "Description 1", status: "backlog", priority: { type: "urgent" } },
        { id: 2, order: 2, title: "Task 11", description: "Description 11", status: "backlog", priority: { type: "urgent" }  },
        { id: 3, order: 3, title: "Task 2", description: "Description 2", status: "doing", priority: { type: "highpriority" }  },
        { id: 4, order: 4, title: "Task 22", description: "Description 22", status: "doing", priority: { type: "lowpriority" } },
        { id: 5, order: 5, title: "Task 3", description: "Description 3", status: "done", priority: { type: "lowpriority" } }
      columns: [
        { text: "Doing", status: "doing" },
        { text: "Backlog", status: "backlog" },
        { text: "Done", status: "done" }
In this article