resources.multiple Boolean (default: false)

If set to true the TaskBoard event can be assigned multiple instances of the resource. The TaskBoard event field specified via the field option will contain an array of resources. By default only one resource instance can be assigned to an event.


<div id="taskBoard"></div>

<script id="card-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
      <div class="template-container">
          <div class="template-header">
              <p><a class="k-card-title k-link" href="" data-command="SelectCardCommand">#: title #</a></p>
          <p>Tags: # for (var i = 0; i < resources.tags.length; i++) { #
            <span style="color: #:resources.tags[i].color#">#:resources.tags[i].text#</span>
          # } # </p>

    resources: [{
      field: "tags",
      multiple: true,
      dataSource: [
        { value: "bug", text: "Bug", color: "gray" },
        { value: "feature", text: "Feature", color: "orange" },
        { value: "client-side", text: "Client-side", color: "blue" },
        { value: "server-side", text: "Server-side", color: "green" }
    template: $("#card-template").html(),
    dataSource: [
      { id: 1, order: 1, title: "Task 1", description: "Description 1", status: "backlog", tags: [ "bug", "client-side" ] },
      { id: 2, order: 2, title: "Task 11", description: "Description 11", status: "backlog", tags: [ "feature", "client-side" ] },
      { id: 3, order: 3, title: "Task 2", description: "Description 2", status: "doing", tags: [ "feature", "server-side" ] },
      { id: 4, order: 4, title: "Task 22", description: "Description 22", status: "doing", tags: [ "chore", "client-side" ] },
      { id: 5, order: 5, title: "Task 3", description: "Description 3", status: "done", tags: [ "chore", "server-side" ] }
    columns: [
      { text: "Doing", status: "doing" },
      { text: "Backlog", status: "backlog" },
      { text: "Done", status: "done" }
In this article