columnSettings.template String|Function

Controls the rendering of the column header. In the template context the buttons field provides the HTML for the buttons of the column.


<div id="taskBoard"></div>

    dataOrderField: "order",
    dataSource: [
      { id: 1, order: 1, title: "Task 1", description: "Description 1", status: "backlog", category: "red" },
      { id: 2, order: 2, title: "Task 11", description: "Description 11", status: "backlog", category: "red" },
      { id: 3, order: 3, title: "Task 2", description: "Description 2", status: "doing", category: "green" },
      { id: 4, order: 4, title: "Task 22", description: "Description 22", status: "doing", category: "green" },
      { id: 5, order: 5, title: "Task 3", description: "Description 3", status: "done", category: "blue" }
    columns: [
      { text: "Doing", status: "doing" },
      { text: "Backlog", status: "backlog" },
      { text: "Done", status: "done" }
    columnSettings: {
      template: '<div class="k-taskboard-column-header-actions" style="background-color: lightgray">#=buttons#</div>' + 
                '<span class="k-spacer"></span>' + 
                '<div class="k-taskboard-column-header-text k-text-ellipsis">#:text#(#:status#)</div>'
In this article