
Triggered when a value or validation in the Spreadsheet is about to be changed upon user interaction.

Event Data

e.sender kendo.ui.Spreadsheet

The widget instance which fired the event.

e.range kendo.spreadsheet.Range

The Range which values are about to be changed in the spreadsheet.

e.changeType String

The type of command that triggered the changing event. The possible types are:

  • autoFill - when the user uses the Spreadsheet AutoFill functionality.
  • clear - when the user clears content by selecting a cell / range and pressing Delete or Backspace keys.
  • cut - when the user cuts a range from the Spreadsheet.
  • edit - when the user types in a cell.
  • paste - when the user pastes some data in a range.
  • validation - when the user alters validation for a cell or range of cells. Object

The new value(s) that is(are) about to be applied to the range. Depending on the changeType the data parameter will be the following:

  • autoFill - the data will be an Array of Arrays holding all properties for the cells (including the values) that are about to be changed.
  • clear - the data will be an Array of Arrays holding null values.
  • cut - the data will be an Array of Arrays holding empty objects.
  • edit - the data will be a String.
  • paste - the data will be an Array of Arrays holding all properties for the cells (including the values) that are about to be changed.
  • validation - the data will hold the new validation Object.
e.preventDefault Function

If invoked the changing will not be performed and no changes will be applied to the sheet.

Example - subscribe to the "changing" event during initialization

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
    sheets: [{               
      rows: [{           
        cells: [
          { value: "First"},
          { value: "Second"},
          { value: "Third"}
    changing: function(e){
            console.log("The netered value is: " +

Example - subscribe to the "changing" event after initialization

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
  function spread_changing(e){
    console.log("The netered value is: " +
    sheets: [{               
      rows: [{           
        cells: [
          { value: "First"},
          { value: "Second"},
          { value: "Third"}

  var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet");
  spreadsheet.bind("changing", spread_changing);
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