operators.string Object
The texts of the filter operators displayed for columns bound to string fields.
Omitting an operator will exclude it from the DropDownList with the available operators.
operators.string.eq String
(default: "Is equal to")
The text of the "equal" filter operator.
operators.string.neq String
(default: "Is not equal to")
The text of the "not equal" filter operator.
operators.string.isnull String
(default: "Is null")
The text of the "isnull" filter operator.
operators.string.isnotnull String
(default: "Is not null")
The text of the "isnotnull" filter operator.
operators.string.isempty String
(default: "Is empty")
The text of the "isempty" filter operator.
operators.string.isnotempty String
(default: "Is not empty")
The text of the "isnotempty" filter operator.
operators.string.startswith String
(default: "Starts with")
The text of the "starts with" filter operator.
operators.string.contains String
(default: "Contains")
The text of the "contains" filter operator.
operators.string.doesnotcontain String
(default: "Does not contain")
The text of the "does not contain" filter operator.
operators.string.endswith String
(default: "Ends with")
The text of the "ends with" filter operator.
operators.string.isnullorempty String
(default: "Has no value")
The text of the "isnullorempty" filter operator.
operators.string.isnotnullorempty String
(default: "Has value")
The text of the "isnotnullorempty" filter operator.