seriesDefaults.labels Object

Configures the series data labels.


        seriesDefault: {
            // adjust the default label appearence for all series
            labels: {
                // set the margin on all sides to 1
                margin: 1,
                // format the labels as currency
                format: "C"

seriesDefaults.labels.ariaTemplate String | Function

The template which renders the ARIA label for the series labels.

The fields which can be used in the template are:

  • category - the category name. Available for area, bar, column, bubble, donut, line and pie series.
  • dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.
  • percentage - the point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for 100% stacked charts.
  • series - the data series
  • value - the point value. Can be a number or object containing each bound field.


<div id="stock-chart"></div>
  dataSource: {
    data: [
      { value: 1, date: new Date(2012, 1, 1)},
      { value: 2, date: new Date(2012, 1, 2)}
  dateField: "date",
  seriesDefaults: {
    labels: {
      template: "#= value #%",
      ariaTemplate: "The value for #= # on #= e.category # is #= e.value #",
      visible: true
  series: [
      field: "value",
      name: "Series 1"

seriesDefaults.labels.background String

The background color of the labels. Any valid CSS color string will work here, including hex and rgb.

seriesDefaults.labels.border Object

The border of the labels.

seriesDefaults.labels.border.color String(default: "black")

The color of the border.

seriesDefaults.labels.border.dashType String(default: "solid")

The dash type of the border.


Specifies a solid line.


Specifies a line consisting of dots.


Specifies a line consisting of dashes.


Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash.


Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot.


Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot.


Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot-dot.

seriesDefaults.labels.border.width Number(default: 0)

The width of the border.

seriesDefaults.labels.color String

The text color of the labels. Any valid CSS color string will work here, including hex and rgb.

seriesDefaults.labels.font String(default: "12px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif")

The font style of the labels. labels


        seriesDefault: {
            // adjust the default label appearence for all series
            labels: {
                // set the font size to 14px
                font: "14px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"

seriesDefaults.labels.format String

The format of the labels.


    //sets format of the labels
    format: "C"

seriesDefaults.labels.margin Number|Object(default: 0)

The margin of the labels.


         labels: {
             // sets the top, right, bottom and left margin to 3px.
             margin: 3

         labels: {
             // sets the top and left margin to 1px
             // margin right and bottom are with 0px (by default)
             margin: { top: 1, left: 1 }

seriesDefaults.labels.padding Number|Object(default: 0)

The padding of the labels.


    // sets the top, right, bottom and left padding to 3px.
    padding: 3

    // sets the top and left padding to 1px
    // padding right and bottom are with 0px (by default)
    padding: { top: 1, left: 1 }

seriesDefaults.labels.template String | Function

The label template. Template variables:

  • value - the point value
  • category - the category name
  • series - the data series
  • dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.


    // chart initialization
         title: {
             text: "My Chart Title"
         seriesDefault: {
             labels: {
                 // label template
                 template: "#= value  #%",
                 visible: true
         series: [
                 name: "Series 1",
                 data: [200, 450, 300, 125]
         categoryAxis: {
             categories: [2000, 2001, 2002, 2003]

seriesDefaults.labels.visible Boolean(default: false)

The visibility of the labels.


        seriesDefault: {
            labels: {
                // hide all the series labels by default
                visible: true
In this article