series.trendline.order Number (default: 2)

The order (degree) of the Polynomial trendline. The default value is 2.

Accepted values are from 2 to 6:

  • 2: a Quadratic polynomial trendline with a single extreme point (minimum or maximum) point.
  • 3: a Cubic polynomial trendline with up to 2 extreme points.
  • 4: a polynomial trendline of 4th degree with up to 3 extreme points.
  • 5: a polynomial trendline of 5th degree with up to 4 extreme points.
  • 6: a polynomial trendline of 6th degree with up to 5 extreme points.

Example - set the polynomial trendline order (degree)

<div id="stock-chart"></div>
    dataSource: {
        data: [{
            date: new Date("2021-01-01"),
            price: 111
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-02-01"),
            price: 141
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-03-01"),
            price: 151
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-04-01"),
            price: 121
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-05-01"),
            price: 111
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-06-01"),
            price: 111
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-07-01"),
            price: 145
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-08-01"),
            price: 125
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-09-01"),
            price: 145
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-10-01"),
            price: 135
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-11-01"),
            price: 155
        }, {
            date: new Date("2021-12-01"),
            price: 185
    dateField: "date",
    series: [{
        name: "Price",
        type: "line",
        field: "price"
    }, {
        name: "Trend",
        type: "polynomialTrendline",
        for: "Price",
        trendline: {
            order: 3
    legend: {
        visible: true,
        position: 'bottom'
In this article