legend.item Object

The configuration of the Chart legend item.

To override the marker configuration of individual series, use the series.legendItem settings of the series.

Example - disable highlight of legend items

<div id="chart"></div>
  dataSource: {
    data: [{
      "Date": "2016/01/01",
      "Open": 41.62,
      "High": 41.69,
      "Low": 39.81,
      "Close": 40.12,
      "Volume": 2632000
    }, {
      "Date": "2016/03/01",
      "Open": 40.62,
      "High": 39.69,
      "Low": 40.81,
      "Close": 39.12,
      "Volume": 2631986
  dateField: "Date",
  series: [{
      name: "Series 1",
      type: "line",
      markers: {
        visible: true
      field: "Close"
  legend: {
    visible: true,
    position: 'bottom',
    item: {
      highlight: {
        visible: false

Example - display legacy style markers in the legend

<div id="chart"></div>
  dataSource: {
    data: [{
      "Date": "2016/01/01",
      "Open": 41.62,
      "High": 41.69,
      "Low": 39.81,
      "Close": 40.12,
      "Volume": 2632000
    }, {
      "Date": "2016/03/01",
      "Open": 40.62,
      "High": 39.69,
      "Low": 40.81,
      "Close": 39.12,
      "Volume": 2631986
  dateField: "Date",
  series: [{
    name: "Series 1",
    type: "candlestick",
    openField: "Open",
    highField: "High",
    lowField: "Low",
    closeField: "Close"
  legend: {
    visible: true,
    position: 'bottom'
  seriesDefaults: {
      /* Use these settings to emulate the legacy legend item rendering */
      legendItem: {
          type: 'line',
          line: {
              dashType: 'solid',
          markers: {
              visible: false
          highlight: {
              visible: false
In this article