series.aggregate String|Function (default: "max")

The aggregate function to apply for date series.

This function is used when a category (an year, month, etc.) contains two or more points. The function return value is displayed instead of the individual points.

The supported values are:

  • "avg" - the average of all values for the date period.
  • "count" - the number of values for the date period.
  • "max" - the highest value for the date period.
  • "min" - the lowest value for the date period.
  • "sum" - the sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to 0 if no data points are defined.
  • "sumOrNull" - the sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to null if no data points are defined.
  • "first" - the first value
  • function(values, series, dataItems, category) - user-defined aggregate function. Returns single value or data item.
  • object - (compound aggregate)Applicable to "candlestick" and ohlc "series". Specifies the aggregate for each data item field.
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