categoryAxis.minorGridLines Object

Configures the minor grid lines. These are the lines that are an extension of the minor ticks through the body of the chart.

Note that minor grid lines are not visible by default, therefore none of these settings will take effect with the minor grid lines visibility being set totrue.

categoryAxis.minorGridLines.color String(default: "black")

The color of the lines. Any valid CSS color string will work here, including hex and rgb.

Note that this setting has no effect if the visibility of the minor grid lines is not set totrue.

categoryAxis.minorGridLines.dashType String(default: "solid")

The dash type of the grid lines.


Specifies a solid line.


Specifies a line consisting of dots.


Specifies a line consisting of dashes.


Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash.


Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot.


Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot.


Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot-dot.

categoryAxis.minorGridLines.visible Boolean(default: false)

The visibility of the lines.

categoryAxis.minorGridLines.width Number

The width of the lines.

Note that this setting has no effect if the visibility of the minor grid lines is not set totrue.

categoryAxis.minorGridLines.step Number (default: 1)

The step of the category axis minor grid lines.

categoryAxis.minorGridLines.skip Number (default: 0)

The skip of the category axis minor grid lines.

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