
Fires when the user clicks a link.

Example - subscribe to the "linkClick" event

<div id="sankey" style="width: 500px; height: 200px;"></div>
        data: {
            nodes: [
                { id: 1, label: { text: "Node 1" } },
                { id: 2, label: { text: "Node 2" } },
                { id: 3, label: { text: "Node 3" } }
            links: [
                { sourceId: 1, targetId: 3, value: 2 },
                { sourceId: 2, targetId: 3, value: 1 }

    var sankey = $("#sankey").getKendoSankey();
    sankey.bind("linkClick", function(e) {
        console.log("Link click", e);

Event Data

e.dataItem Object

The data item of the clicked link.

e.originalEvent Object

The original browser event.

e.sender Sankey

The Sankey widget instance.

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