
Exports the Gauge as an SVG document. The result can be saved using kendo.saveAs.

The export operation is asynchronous and returns a promise. The promise will be resolved with a SVG document encoded as a Data URI.


options Object (optional)Export options.
options.raw Boolean (default: false)Resolves the promise with the raw SVG document without the Data URI prefix.

ReturnsPromise A promise that will be resolved with a SVG document encoded as a Data URI.

Example - Exporting a chart to an SVG document

<div id="gauge"></div>
        pointer: {
            value: 50
        scale: {
            min: 0,
            max: 100

    var gauge = $("#gauge").data("kendoRadialGauge");
    gauge.exportSVG().done(function(data) {
            dataURI: data,
            fileName: "gauge.svg"
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