layers.tooltip.template String|Template

The template which renders the tooltip content.

The fields which can be used in the template are:

  • location - the marker location ( instance)
  • marker - the marker instance

Setting a template disables the content option.

Example - set tooltip template

<div id="map"></div>
        layers: [{
            type: "marker",
            tooltip: {
                template: "Lon:#= location.lng #, Lat:#= #"
            dataSource: {
                data: [{
                    latlng: [0, 0]
            locationField: "latlng"

Example - use formatted dataItem value in the tooltip template

<div id="map"></div>
        layers: [{
            type: "marker",
            tooltip: {
                template: "#= kendo.toString(marker.dataItem.value, 'C') #"
            dataSource: {
                data: [{
                    latlng: [0, 0],
                    value: 1000
            locationField: "latlng"
In this article