connectionDefaults.editable Boolean|Object (default: true)

Defines the editing behavior of the connections.

Example - disabling interaction with the Diagram connections

<div id="diagram"></div>
    dataSource: [
      {id:"one", name:"One"},
      {id:"two", name:"Two"},
      {id:"five", name:"Five"},
      {from:"one", to:"two", label: "plus one"},
      {from:"one", to:"five", label: "plus three"}
    layout: "layered",
    connectionDefaults: {
      content: {
        template: "#: dataItem.label #"
      editable: false

connectionDefaults.editable.drag Boolean (default: true)

Specifies if the connections can be dragged.

connectionDefaults.editable.remove Boolean (default: true)

Specifies if the connections can be removed. Array|Boolean

Specifies the toolbar tools. Supports all options supported for the toolbar.items. If set to false, no edit tools will be displayed.

Predefined tools are:

  • "edit" - The selected item can be edited
  • "delete" - The selected items can be deleted

Example - using predefined tools

<div id="diagram"></div>
    dataSource: [
      {id:"one", name:"One"},
      {id:"two", name:"Two"},
      {id:"five", name:"Five"},
      {from:"one", to:"two", label: "plus one"},
      {from:"one", to:"five", label: "plus three"}
    layout: "layered",
    connectionDefaults: {
      content: {
        template: "#: dataItem.label #"
      editable: {
        tools: ["delete"]

Example - using custom tools

<div id="diagram"></div>
    dataSource: [
      {id:"one", name:"One"},
      {id:"two", name:"Two"},
      {id:"five", name:"Five"},
      {from:"one", to:"two", label: "plus one"},
      {from:"one", to:"five", label: "plus three"}
    layout: "layered",
    connectionDefaults: {
      editable: {
        tools: [{
          type: "button",
          text: "Set Content",
          click: function() {
            var selected = $("#diagram").getKendoDiagram().select();
            var content = $("#content").val();
            for (var idx = 0; idx < selected.length; idx++) {
        }, {
          template: "<input id='content' class='k-textbox' value='Foo' />"
</script> String

The name of the tool. The built-in tools are "edit" and "delete".

In this article