seriesDefaults.labels.position String|Function

The position of the labels.

  • "above" - the label is positioned at the top of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.
  • "below" - the label is positioned at the bottom of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.
  • "center" - the label is positioned at the point center. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, funnel, pyramid, radarColumn and waterfall series.
  • "insideBase" - the label is positioned inside, near the base of the bar. Applicable for bar, column and waterfall series.
  • "insideEnd" - the label is positioned inside, near the end of the point. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, radarColumn and waterfall series.
  • "left" - the label is positioned to the left of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.
  • "outsideEnd" - the label is positioned outside, near the end of the point. Applicable for bar, column, donut, pie, radarColumn and waterfall series. Not applicable for stacked series.
  • "right" - the label is positioned to the right of the marker. Applicable for series that render points, incl. bubble.
  • "top" - the label is positioned at the top of the segment. Applicable for funnel and pyramid series.
  • "bottom" - the label is positioned at the bottom of the segment. Applicable for funnel and pyramid series.
  • "auto" - the from and to labels area positioned at the top/bottom(rangeArea series) or left/right(verticalRangeArea series) so that they are outside the filled area. Applicable for rangeArea and verticalRangeArea series.

Example - set the chart series label position

<div id="chart"></div>
  seriesDefaults: {
    labels: {
      visible: true,
      position: "insideBase"
  series: [ {
    data: [1, 2, 3]
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