paneDefaults.title String|Object
The title configuration of the all panes.
Example - set the font for all pane titles
<div id="chart"></div>
series: [
{ data: [1, 2, 3] },
{ data: [1, 2, 3, 4], axis: "bottom" }
valueAxis: [
{ pane: "top-pane" },
{ pane: "bottom-pane", name: "bottom" }
paneDefaults: {
title: {
font: "700 14px sans-serif"
panes: [
{ name: "top-pane",
title: {
text: "Top"
{ name: "bottom-pane",
title: {
text: "Bottom"
Related Properties
- paneDefaults.title.background
- paneDefaults.title.border
- paneDefaults.title.border.color
- paneDefaults.title.border.dashType
- paneDefaults.title.border.width
- paneDefaults.title.color
- paneDefaults.title.font
- paneDefaults.title.margin
- paneDefaults.title.margin.bottom
- paneDefaults.title.margin.left
- paneDefaults.title.margin.right
- paneDefaults.title.position
- paneDefaults.title.visual