
Exports the Gauge as an image. The result can be saved using kendo.saveAs.

The export operation is asynchronous and returns a promise. The promise will be resolved with a PNG image encoded as a Data URI.


options Object (optional)Parameters for the exported image.
options.width StringThe width of the exported image. Defaults to the Gauge width.
options.height StringThe height of the exported image. Defaults to the Gauge height.

ReturnsPromise A promise that will be resolved with a PNG image encoded as a Data URI.

Example - Exporting a Gauge to an image

<div id="gauge"></div>
        value: 50

    var gauge = $("#gauge").data("kendoArcGauge");
    gauge.exportImage().done(function(data) {
            dataURI: data,
            fileName: "gauge.png"
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