connectorDefaults.hover Object

Defines the hover configuration of the shape connectors.

connectorDefaults.hover.fill String|Object

Defines the hover fill options of the shape connectors.

connectorDefaults.hover.fill.color String

Defines the hover fill color of the shape connectors.

connectorDefaults.hover.fill.opacity Number (default: 1)

Defines the hover fill opacity of the shape connectors.

connectorDefaults.hover.stroke String|Object

Defines the hover stroke options of the shape connectors.

connectorDefaults.hover.stroke.color String (default: "Black")

Defines the hover stroke color.

connectorDefaults.hover.stroke.dashType String

The hover stroke dash type.

connectorDefaults.hover.stroke.width Number (default: 1)

Defines the thickness or width of the shape connectors stroke on hover.

In this article