
Rotates the element with the specified parameters.


angle NumberThe angle of rotation in decimal degrees.

Measured in clockwise direction with 0 pointing "right". Negative values or values greater than 360 will be normalized.

center kendo.dataviz.diagram.PointThe center of rotation.

Example - rotating the Circle element

<div id="diagram"></div>
  var diagram = kendo.dataviz.diagram;
  function getVisual(data) {
    var g = new diagram.Group({
      autoSize: true
    var r = new diagram.Circle({
      center: {x: 40, y: 40},
      radius: 40,
      fill: {
        gradient: {
          type: "linear",
          stops: [{
            color: "green",
            offset: 0,
            opacity: 0.5
          }, {
            color: "yellow",
            offset: 1,
            opacity: 1

    r.rotate(45, new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Point(40, 40));

    return g;

    layout: "tree",
    shapes: [{
      id: "1",
      content: {
        text: "Monday"
      visual: getVisual
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